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Clinical trials and Case Reports

Clinical trials and Case Reports

Image result for scientific trials clinical trails is studies research completed in humans which are aimed toward comparing a clinical, surgical, or behavioural intervention. They are the number one manner that researchers discover if a brand-new treatment, like a brand-new drug or food regimen or clinical device (for example, a pacemaker) is secure and powerful in humans. Clinical trials have been carefully designed, reviewed, and completed and must be approved before they can be started. People of all ages, including children, can participate in clinical trials.

In medicine, a case report is a detailed report of a patient's symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Case reports may contain demographic profiles of patients, but often describe an unusual or new event. Some case reports also include a literature review of other reported cases. Case report are expert narratives that provide commentary on clinical practice guidelines and provide a framework for early signals of efficacy, adverse events, and cost. They may be shared for medical,scientific, or educational purposes.

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